5 Reasons Students Are Not Engaging in Distance Learning

5 Reasons Students Are Not Engaging in Distance Learning
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Studying appears different during the COVID-19 pandemic, whether you call it remote learningonline learning, or distance learning. Even though some students seem to thrive with this method of learning, many pupils do not appear to be participating in it. Some students might not even show up at all. While others may be present in class, they are not completing work or going above and beyond the minimal minimum. So, what is preventing these students from participating?

Here are five reasons students are not engaging in  distance learning with suggestions on how you might overcome them. 

5 Reasons Students Are Not Engaging in Distance Learning

1. Students require more structure and guidance

Many students depend on the routine and guidance provided by the in-person school to help them stay on track with their assignments. Online learning requires students to be much more self-reliant and accountable for their own learning. Parents may try to help, but many are also juggling work from home while their children are in online classes. It might be difficult to catch up when students get off track and miss a few assignments. Instead, they might simply withdraw. 

One thing you may do is to be open about grading and incomplete work rules. However, seek for solutions to alleviate tension caused by deadlines and the quantity of work that still needs to be done. Demonstrate ways for making work more doable, such as dividing assignments into portions.

2. Life situations for students have shifted

The lives of students may have altered dramatically since the day schools closed due to the pandemic, economic downturn, and civil unrest. Many families are facing financial difficulties, illness, loss, homelessness, and/or food shortages. They could also be liable in other ways. 

Some students may no longer have access to the internet, a device to utilize, or a learning area. This could make it difficult for them to attend classes at set times. Others may have a lot going on in the background that they are trying to ignore or even hide from the rest of the class. 

Teachers will usually be able to get a feel of which student is dealing with a challenging situation at home when they engage with students during face-to-face classes. Face-to-face classes usually help teachers to check in privately to see how things are progressing. It’s more difficult to have such one-on-one talks during remote learning, especially with students who aren’t engaged. 

If you have a student whose conduct has substantially changed, call them or their family to check in.

3. The information is inaccessible

Whether students are attending online classes or picking up study materials, making sure materials are available can be a huge difficulty. Students may avoid the system if they are unfamiliar with it. Establishing norms and practices with a new system takes time, especially when technology is involved. When you’re all still figuring out how the new system works, it’s difficult to gauge engagement. 

In certain circumstances, presenting content in a new way prevents children from accessing it. Students who have problems processing auditory information, for example, may struggle with video instruction. Text-heavy directions and materials may be difficult for students who require additional visual guidance. English language learners may struggle to access content if they do not have the support they would normally receive in your physical classroom. 

Furthermore, many students may be failing since the subject does not feel relevant to them at the moment. It may appear to have little to do with what is going on in the world around them. 

One of the most effective methods to address this issue is to research best practices for online learning and assignments in order to ensure that your lectures are accessible and relevant to as many students as possible. 

4. Students experiencing stress and trauma

Stress and trauma can disrupt cognitive processing, impair executive functioning, and disturb emotional regulation in students. All of this makes it harder to learn, think, and participate in meaningful ways. 

Many students are enduring extraordinary emotional hurdles as a result of the coronavirus outbreak and the nationwide outrage over racial injustice. In addition, they may lack the necessary support structure and coping abilities. 

Incorporating social-emotional learning (SEL) into remote learning plans is one method teachers can assist students. It can assist students and teachers in managing their emotions without becoming disengaged. Furthermore, some teachers may wish to assist parents in determining which types of emotional support are accessible for their children. 

5. Your engagement expectations have not altered

It is still necessary to establish and reinforce explicit expectations for behavior and participation. However, participation may seem different with remote learning not only because your classroom looks different. It is also possible that it will differ from one student to the next.

For students who study and think differently, live video classes, for example, may present distinct obstacles. Students who struggle with focus and distractibility, have problems controlling sensory input, or are anxious about being “on display” may respond in ways that contradict your concept of participation. During class sessions, behaviors like as fidgeting, turning off the camera, or moving around can appear to be a lack of engagement. However, for certain students, it is necessary in order for them to participate in learning. 

It is critical to remember that students participate in a number of different ways. Do not anticipate engagement to be the same as it was before, or to be the same for each student. 

It may be challenging to engage pupils during online classes, but it is not impossible. As a teacher are you well prepared for online classes?  Get firsthand perspectives from other teachers about how they’ve handled remote learning:

· Getting started with online classes

· Keeping in touch with students when they are studying  during online classes

· Reflections on online classes

Online classes have robbed many students in Malaysia and globally of their experience of going to school, meeting their friends, and having face-to-face classes. For many students, it makes completing assignments and home. If you need help with assignments in Malaysia, contact us at KM Assignment Services.

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disadvantages of online learningreasons for students for not attending online classes
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